Thursday, May 29, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

The worst part about coming back from a long weekend, is the amount of work that has to be caught up on, oh my goodness! I'm convincing myself that's the reason why I am just now getting to posting it! Ha! 

My long weekend kind of started on Friday, even though I was still working, we were out of the office all day and got to work Lavonia Days at their Welcome center, I didn't hate it!

Seriously, love spending Summer Days at the Ted. 

Oh hey Summer Thunderstorm, you were so not welcomed! 

I've got friends in popular places. No biggie, my friend Hilary is on a street sign down in Midtown! 

The Hump Day Blog Hop

Happy Kids, Inc.

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  1. Your sad rain face is priceless! Sounds like a busy weekend!

  2. How fun, haha. The sad face is funny haha! I hope your having a great Thursday!
